Mémorial' 14-18 Notre-Dame de Lorette

In Souchez, in the middle of the former battlefields, a building with an original architecture signed by Pierre-Louis Faloci, made of black concrete and glass, hosts the History centre of the Memorial' 14/18. Here, emblematic objects, high quality unpublished photographs, period films and animated maps allow to understand the extent of the conflict in the Nord Pas-de-Calais during the First World War. More than 300 large-format photographs, both official and anonymous, taken by the soldiers, plunge us into the reality of this appalling war. Open from 1st April to 11th November from Wednesday to Friday 10am-1pm / 2pm-6pm and on Saturday and Sunday 11am-1pm / 2pm-6pm. Open from 12 November to 31 March from Wednesday to Sunday 1pm-5pm. Closed on Monday and Tuesday Closed in January Train stop: Lens, Tadao bus line 57 and Allobus sites de Mémoire


Centre d'Histoire Guerre et Paix
102 rue Pasteur
62153 Souchez

+33 321 74 83 15

Lens 14-18

Accès en vélo
Borne vélo électrique disponible au mémorial 

Accès en voiture
Parking gratuit

Accès piéton


Handicap auditif

Handicap moteur

Personnes âgées


Thematic of the place

History and tradition

Public price
: Free
Price with the pass
: Free